
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : childofgod January 16, 2003, 08:59:40 AM

: Please read this and hook me up... please?
: childofgod January 16, 2003, 08:59:40 AM
Hello, ;D
I'm up in Sacramento in one of the group's assemblies with Dan and Linda Mattson-Bose (sp?) and Carlos and Pam as leading families.  Also, Caradog Atherton is a leading brother of sorts.  What biblical questions can I ask that will stop them in their tracks and expose them?  I've been coming out for awhile and I've always had the feeling that something wasn't right, I'm really glad I found this site!  Everyone is expecting me to come into fellowship, so I have a certain amount of clout; and, as an "innocent", I may be able to lead others to the light.  Please pray for me ::) God Bless!

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: karensanford January 16, 2003, 09:57:01 AM
Dear Pete,

I wish I could be the one to give you your answer.  Hopefully Brent will come along, he will no doubt have something good to offer you.  However, you might want to start by reading the articles on the main website.  I know there are MANY, but they are thorough and they expose the blatant errors in Assembly thinking.  Hopefully this will give you some ideas as to what questions you could ask to get some dialogue doing.

God bless you in your "ministry"!!!


: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: editor January 16, 2003, 11:07:31 AM
Hi Pete!

It just so happens that I wrote a nifty little brochure.  Find it here: (

It is endorsed by several local pastors and has been distributed to the leadership of all the campus ministries in our area.  I think you'll find it pretty good, as everything is footnoted out of George's books and pamphlets.  No one can argue with this.


: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: retread January 16, 2003, 11:47:15 AM

The link that you mentioned in your post: (

appears not to work.  However, changing the "b" to "B" in brochure seems to work: (

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: editor January 16, 2003, 12:00:41 PM

You get major overcomer points for that last post.   ;D



: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: Kimberley Tobin January 16, 2003, 12:09:01 PM
How about a title for retread?

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: editor January 16, 2003, 12:10:35 PM
Watch it Kimberley.....

There is a need for loyalty.

GM's servant.

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: Kimberley Tobin January 16, 2003, 12:12:03 PM
I am ever the GM's humble and LOYAL servant.

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: retread January 16, 2003, 12:15:57 PM
No title???

I must not understand the great secret.

If only I had the capacity to understand.

 :D :D :D

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: Kimberley Tobin January 16, 2003, 12:18:00 PM

Kiss up to the GM.  Flattery will get you everywhere.  It isn't what you know, it's who you know. ;)

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: retread January 16, 2003, 12:23:24 PM
But how could one kiss up to the GM.  He his so much above any of us, anything that I say would not do him justice. If I even tried to kiss up, he would see through it, as he is all knowing.  What must I do?  Shall I never overcome? If only I had the capacity to understand.

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: Kimberley Tobin January 16, 2003, 12:39:41 PM
You're getting there!

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: retread January 16, 2003, 01:06:55 PM
Perhaps I could fool the world, and give myself my on title:

Retread The Great Masked Righter of Wrongs

But what if I am found out, it was only a sham, maybe I will need to leave in disgrace, and may only be remembered by a lesser tiltle such as Retread the Picker of Nits.  :'(

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: Ron Johnson January 17, 2003, 08:47:14 AM
Hello Pete,

My name is Ron Johnson; I was involved with that group for 12 years eight in Arcata and four in Sacramento.  I taught the campus bible study and the mid week bible study.  Back then I lived with Victor, Caradog, Carlos and his family and a few other young men in the house on Grand Rio Cir.

Reading about your concerns, it seems to me, that God has already given you the answer.  If you feel that something is wrong with the group take it from the Lord and get out.  As for other young converts in the group direct them to website or just tell them your concerns.    

I’ve learned from personal experience that it’s hard for people in that group to believe that there is anything wrong with their leaders.

At some point your going to have to trust that just as God is giving you a uneasy spirit about the group He is also able to do the same for the other young converts.  Unfortunately it’s easy to get caught up the man-pleasing thing and to be lead by fear and miss Gods leading.  They do a good job of the guilt trip thing.

He leads people out in different ways but he is the one who is going to have to do it

It’s obvious to me that the Lord is judging the group and my advice to you is to move on and let God do His strange work.

Ron Johnson

Oh yeah, are they going to S.F. to hear George talk this weekend?  

: Re:Please read this and hook me up... please?
: lemonlime January 19, 2003, 09:42:41 AM
(in Ron's message, ’ stands for the apostrophe in case anyone else was confused)

praise the GM we can overcome typos!

on a more serious note, the brochure is really awesome, thanks Brent for working so hard to get the truth out :)

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