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Author Topic: IRAQ A GOOD IDEA?  (Read 149297 times)
David Mauldin
« on: September 10, 2003, 04:01:24 am »

So what are you all thinking?  Now that it has been proven that George W. (Not G) lied about WMD?  100O's civilians dead, maimed for life, wounded.  100s of U.S. soldiers  Dead, today life in IRAQ is one of terror for the common citizen. Rapes, carjackings, kidnappings murders go on at a rampant pace. Somebody really blew it?!!!(For what?) and while schools are desperately looking for money, millions of jobs gone! George wants 87 billion Oh sorrey will take 87 billion from congress? Why?Huh Were France/ Germany correct?  Common all you "Patriot Warriors!"  where are you now?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2003, 04:03:13 am by David Mauldin » Logged

« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2003, 11:01:30 am »


Again, I ask you...why does it matter how evolved hydrogen behaves?

Tom Robinson

« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2003, 10:46:41 pm »


I'm not a super big fan of Dubya, but I know enough Iraqi-Americans to know the thousand's maimed and dead in Iraq preceded Daubya's little invasion. Dave, have you talked to any Iraqi's about this? I have yet to find one who is not triumphantly happy that not only Saddam, but his sons are now it is hoped only a sad part of their history. 87 million not withstanding and my disagreement with the war I'm glad another depot has been removed.
Joe Sperling

« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2003, 12:42:25 am »

If we had done nothing and one day Saddam used a WMS on another country everyone would ask "Why didn't we get him while we had the chance?" After WW2 1000's of Germans were maimed and killed, and thousands of US troops were killed too, but a mad man named Hitler had been removed. The US then helped rebuild the same country it had destroyed(just as we are doing in Iraq) and today Germany is one of the strongest countries in the world--and so is Japan, another country we devastated, and both democracies instead of dictatorships. Was it worth it to invade Iraq? We will really never know to what extent--because the evil that could have broken forth was stopped before it could grow into another Hitler or worse.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2003, 12:43:27 am by Joe Sperling » Logged
David Mauldin
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2003, 11:12:50 pm »

Tom, if we are the product of evolution then many miracles are the result, (actually a miracle is a supernatural phenomenon in the evolutionary sence it would be natural to have a conscience) read Telliard Chardens book "The Divine Millue" one a moral conscience. Yes I have one! Yes I think about the children who were insinerated by our bombs!  I think about their families etc... I wonder at the rich and powerful people who controle our country?  Why did we invade/slaughter innocent people when we were not under attack?  Does it concern you that you helped pay for it?  Does it concern you that our media spends unreasonable amount of time, money , energy covering Bill and Monica and yet has very little account of Georges lies? Where is your conscience?  Are you happy to maintain your American lifestyle at the expence of others? WWJD?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2003, 11:56:29 pm by David Mauldin » Logged
David Mauldin
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2003, 11:30:34 pm »

I would like to elaberate on Mr. Rumsfield comment, "We need to fight the current terrorism (in Iraq) with intelligence"  Yea,  just like we did in Viet Nam, Just like the Brits do in Ireland and just like the Isrealis are in their country! The truth (And He knows it!) is that no one can ever win in this situation. Gee am I a genius because I saw it comming or maby there is another motive? One we are unwilling to confront?  Pride?  Power?  Brutality? Yes I have listen to many firsthand account from Iraqi people.  They are angry because this all happened as a result of U.S. politics.  What disturbs me is the lack of Christians who are speaking out against what is clearly Sin!!!! What it looks like to me is that twenty years from now you guys will say things like "Yep, that sure was wrong what we did!"
« Last Edit: September 11, 2003, 11:44:38 pm by David Mauldin » Logged
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2003, 11:53:57 pm »

.  What disturbs me is the lack of Christians who are speaking out against what is clearly Sin!!!! What it looks like to me is that twenty years from now you guys will say things like "Yep, that sure was wrong what we did!"

I was neutral on the decision to invade Iraq. I do have some serious problems with our President's Christian testimony. When it comes to the way he makes decisions about the nation's future, the facts really show him to be nothing more than another compromising politician, fair Christian speech notwithstanding. I speak in particular about his lack of honesty and transparency in the business involvements of his vice president. The former and probably current policy toward Iraq has more to do with the vested interests of trans-national corporations than it has to do with terror and justice. The same applies to what they did to Milosovic in Serbia. Funny how both he and Saddam refused to sign when the globalists came calling. Noriega was another one who refused to play ball. Some of you know exactly of what I speak. No question that the death and suffering inflicted on the Iraqi people by our sanctions was unconscienable.  Problem is that the vast majority of Americans are remarkably ignorant about things the major networks will not provide useful and relevant information about. Just my two cents Dave.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2003, 12:02:27 am by vernecarty » Logged
David Mauldin
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2003, 11:58:21 pm »

Thanx Verne it is refreshing to read your post Obviously you think about these things!
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2003, 12:16:03 am »

If we had done nothing and one day Saddam used a WMS on another country everyone would ask "Why didn't we get him while we had the chance?" After WW2 1000's of Germans were maimed and killed, and thousands of US troops were killed too, but a mad man named Hitler had been removed. The US then helped rebuild the same country it had destroyed(just as we are doing in Iraq) and today Germany is one of the strongest countries in the world--and so is Japan, another country we devastated, and both democracies instead of dictatorships. Was it worth it to invade Iraq? We will really never know to what extent--because the evil that could have broken forth was stopped before it could grow into another Hitler or worse.


No offense Dave M and Verne, but I agree with Joe and G.W. Bush.
The war is basically over. Hopefully further deaths as a result of it will be zero or minimal. If Sad-am (as Bush Sr. used to pronounce his name) was still in power more and more Iraqis and Kurdish Iraqis would die; more than the death toll of the liberation effort. Bush did the right thing.

Lord bless,
Joe Sperling

« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2003, 12:52:51 am »


You are so wrong. This didn't happen because of U.S. politics---you should know this---ESPECIALLY today. Today
is the anniversary of what caused it. If you remember, terrorists, supported by the likes of Saddam Hussein, slammed three jets into buildings, killing thousands of innocent people. Do those people matter to you David? It doesn't sound like it---because they were all Americans. WHAT THIS SHOWED WITHOUT A DOUBT is that people like that will do ANYTHING for their cause. Would they use Weapons of Mass Destruction?? Of course they would--they proved they would!!!  I personally don't care if they find weapons of mass destruction or not--Saddam had already proven who he was and what he was capable of. The fact we haven't found any doesn't mean he wasn't actively pursuing getting them. I personally, am so sick of the same old liberal line of garbage they always spew forth--quickly forgetting the horrible atrocity done to the United States, and then blaming the United States for atrocities against others. That is so lame. You are entitled to your opinion, but no, in twenty years I think people will look back and realize just how justified this all was.  Just my opinion.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2003, 12:54:18 am by Joe Sperling » Logged
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2003, 02:26:53 am »

No offense Dave M and Verne, but I agree with Joe and G.W. Bush.
The war is basically over. Hopefully further deaths as a result of it will be zero or minimal. If Sad-am (as Bush Sr. used to pronounce his name) was still in power more and more Iraqis and Kurdish Iraqis would die; more than the death toll of the liberation effort. Bush did the right thing.

Lord bless,

None taken Marcia. Evidence of WMDs?  By all means go in an clean 'em out. None of you really doubt for a minute though that the immediacy of the threat (plutonium enriching materials) and the link to Al Qaeda (tratment of the supposed injured operative in Baghdad) were deliberately hyped to increase the saleability of the operation? I have nothing but admiration for our men in harm's way. Those of you putting complete trust in your elected officials and what they tell you have no idea what time it is...let's face it, the dawning realization that even the most rosy scenario for post- war oil production will nowhere near pay for the cost of rebuilding now have our leaders so eager to formerly go it alone, scrambling for international assistance. I am afraid when Germany Russia and France get what they are going to require, the return on Haliburton's investment capital will be slim indeed...
« Last Edit: September 12, 2003, 02:37:46 am by vernecarty » Logged
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2003, 04:03:23 am »

None taken Marcia. Evidence of WMDs?  By all means go in an clean 'em out. None of you really doubt for a minute though that the immediacy of the threat (plutonium enriching materials) and the link to Al Qaeda (tratment of the supposed injured operative in Baghdad) were deliberately hyped to increase the saleability of the operation? I have nothing but admiration for our men in harm's way. Those of you putting complete trust in your elected officials and what they tell you have no idea what time it is...let's face it, the dawning realization that even the most rosy scenario for post- war oil production will nowhere near pay for the cost of rebuilding now have our leaders so eager to formerly go it alone, scrambling for international assistance. I am afraid when Germany Russia and France get what they are going to require, the return on Haliburton's investment capital will be slim indeed...
The way I viewed the recent war on Iraq is that it served to liberate the Iraqi people from a tyrant dictator, and it served to help protect the American people from terrorist attacks originating/backed by the Saddam regime.  I agree with Joe S re. WMDs ie Saddam has a history of using them, and would have acquired them to use them if it suited him to do so.

The Iraqi people are possibly torn between rejoicing at their liberation by a foreign enemy, and being loyal to their Arab brothers. Kind of like I felt in my annonymous posting days (until I saw the light Smiley).

If it was about oil, Bush need not have spent billions of dollars on this war effort. Usually in a war situation, it is not the "enemy's" responsiblity to re-build. The Al Qaeda did not offer to rebuild the twin towers in NY, not offer to clean up the mess. The Pentagon building was also repaired at whose expense? At least the American's have shown some decency in the re-building effort. They spent the money to liberate Iraq, then they should also benefit from the re-building effort. France has a large muslim population and was afraid to side with the US; I do not remember Germany's reason. Now France and Germany and other nations want to capitalize on re-building contracts. Roll Eyes

« Last Edit: September 12, 2003, 04:08:06 am by Marcia » Logged
David Mauldin
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2003, 11:55:51 pm »

Marcia you may find it disgusting to know that the weapons of MD Saddam used against his own people were given to him by the U.S to fight Iran in 1980s
Americans should benefit from the rebuilding effort? Besides being mortal enemies what connection does Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussain have? I know George seems to think that somehow Saddam is responsible for the attacks on Sept 11 yet this has been proven false. Yes France and Germany oppossed the invasion as did the U.N. because the evidence of "Clear and Present Danger" just wasn't there.
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2003, 12:04:30 am »

Marcia you may find it disgusting to know that the weapons of MD Saddam used against his own people were given to him by the U.S to fight Iran in 1980s
Americans should benefit from the rebuilding effort? Besides being mortal enemies what connection does Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussain have? I know George seems to think that somehow Saddam is responsible for the attacks on Sept 11 yet this has been proven false. Yes France and Germany oppossed the invasion as did the U.N. because the evidence of "Clear and Present Danger" just wasn't there.
Surely, Bush is not responsible for that decision. I did not say that everything that the Americans do/did is beyond reproach. The U.N. would never have agreed to the war as a number of the members are Arab or have business dealings with Iraq.

« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2003, 12:14:55 am »

Marcia you may find it disgusting to know that the weapons of MD Saddam used against his own people were given to him by the U.S to fight Iran in 1980s
Americans should benefit from the rebuilding effort? Besides being mortal enemies what connection does Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussain have? I know George seems to think that somehow Saddam is responsible for the attacks on Sept 11 yet this has been proven false. Yes France and Germany oppossed the invasion as did the U.N. because the evidence of "Clear and Present Danger" just wasn't there.
Surely, Bush is not responsible for that decision. I did not say that everything that the Americans do/did is beyond reproach. The U.N. would never have agreed to the war as a number of the members are Arab or have business dealings with Iraq.


I have to agree with Marcia here. The French and Germans hardly had moral compunctions regarding the fate of the Iraqi people as a result of the invasion. They were much more concerned that their own economic oxen would be gored as a result. Their opposition was nothing more than self-righteous posturing and had nothing to do with whether or not they thought Saddam was a genuine threat...
When the Isrealis bombed the H-E- double tooth-picks out of that budding Iraqi nuclear reactor guess who had given  'em the technology? Remember when the Mossad off'd that guy helping Iraq with their long range guns? Maybe we should let them take care of these kinds of problems... heh! heh!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2003, 12:23:35 am by vernecarty » Logged
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