
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : Oscar July 19, 2006, 11:57:20 PM

: Moonie Escapee
: Oscar July 19, 2006, 11:57:20 PM
Hi folks,

Here is the testimony of a Moonie escapee that was posted on  I deleted his name since I didn't ask permission to quote this.
Hello to Louise and all,

I'm sorry for this slow response, and will try to do better in the

I was involved in the Unification Church, as a young man, for 1 1/2
years from March 1975 to Sep 1976. I believe they have since changed
their name. During that period, I spent a lot of time at their
training facility in Barrytown, New York. When not there I was out
fundraising and also, for a few months, I tried to recruit new
members to join the church in California. I thank God that I was
unsuccessful in that endeavor.

My occasion for leaving the group was not doctrinal. It happened as a
result of others prayers and the love of my parents. Right after an
event at the Washington monument where Moon spoke, a large group was
gathered at a park in preparation for dividing us into fundraising
teams. I found myself with no heart to go. My parents had come up for
the event, but leaders had kept me from seeing them. I had separated
from the rest of the group and was walking down a road when my
parents drove up. They didn't give up, and had been told where they
might find me. By the grace of God, I gained permission to go home
for a short period, and I never went back.

It is not easy getting over such an experience. People who leave a
cult have to face the pressure that they are turning away, not from a
group, but from the will of God. As a young child I knew that God was
real and had a salvation experience at 11, but I had no desire to
pursue any quest for God or attend any church for several years.

I left the cult at 21, and did not turn to God until I was 28. At
this time, because of the prayers and testimony of my grandmother ( I
am experiencing a lot of emotion as I write), I decided that if I was
to die my fate would probably be hell. I fell on my knees and
rededicated my life to Christ. This was the beginning of my new found
life in Christ! I began reading the Bible and experiencing answers to
prayers, and my joy of salvation progressed from there. Today, I am
50 years old.

Shortly after my rededication, I read a book by Hal Lindsey, "There's
A New World Comming." As I was reading verses Hal quoted from the
book of Isaiah, I KNEW there was only ONE unique MESSIAH, Jesus! Sun
Myung Moon was not another Messiah, but a false messiah. God's Word
had truly healed me of my past.

For many years, I haven't met or kept in touch with any members of
the Unification Church, but there are those who come up to my door
from time to time who I know are in bondage that I try to help. One
may not see any results, but I know that an accumulation of
experiences with those who know Christ can have an effect.

God bless,

I think we can see common elements with our experiences.


Thomas Maddux

: Re: Moonie Escapee
: marden July 20, 2006, 07:28:33 AM
"It is not easy getting over such an experience. People who leave a
cult have to face the pressure that they are turning away, not from a
group, but from the will of God. As a young child I knew that God was
real and had a salvation experience at 11, but I had no desire to
pursue any quest for God or attend any church for several years.
This was the beginning of my new found
life in Christ! I began reading the Bible and experiencing answers to
prayers, and my joy of salvation progressed from there."

Above is a portion of what the escapee stated that shares a common theme in at least my experience leaving the assembly. it was difficult for me to attend a church for a couple years after i left. I certainly never stopped reading the Bible and continued to pray. It wasnt until I met my wife that I could go to a church. Its been a recovery process.

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