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Author Topic: INFORMATION you can use.  (Read 68891 times)
« on: June 26, 2004, 06:46:55 am »

JUNE 25: 2004: 9:53 PM EST.

This post is a place where you can display warning and other every day information.

I was sent this email, and I think it is a good warning for Canadian and American alike.
I wouldnt be a very good sister in the Lord if I didnt pass this on to you. Lips sealed

So here is this latest OPP warning about credit card scams. Undecided It is the way I received minus all the email address from being forwarded a few times..


This is an important notice passed on by the Perth Police Dept. about a new
credit card scam that is worth reading.

Lauren Walton

Clerk / Community Emergency Management Coordinator

Town of Perth

80 Gore St. E.

Perth, ON

K7H 1H9

(       ( 613 ) 267-3311 ext. 2239
Ê       ( 613 ) 267-5635

"This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If
you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely
those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Town of
Perth. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments
for the presence of viruses. The Town of Perth accepts no liability for any
damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email."


>   Visa/MasterCard Fraud

>Hi everyone, just a heads up in case someone contacts you looking for

>information on Fraudulent Credit Card usage. If nothing else, it is good

>information to know.


>This was broadcast to numerous fraud sections across Canada and you

>might be interested in the content.


>Those con artists get more creative every day. My husband was called on

>Wednesday from "VISA", and I was called on Thursday from "MasterCard".

>The scam works like this:


>Person calling says, "this is , and I'm calling from the Security and

>Fraud Department at VISA. My Badge number is 12460. Your card has been

>flagged for an unusual purchase pattern, and I'm calling to verify. This

>would be on your VISA card which was issued by bank. Did you purchase an

>Anti-Telemarketing Device for $497.99 from a marketing company based in



>When you say "No", the caller continues with, "Then we will be issuing a

>credit to your account. This is a company we have been watching and the

>charges range from $297 to $497, just under the $500 purchase pattern

>that flags most cards. Before your next statement, the credit will be

>sent to (gives you your address), is that correct?"


>You say "yes". The caller continues... "I will be starting a Fraud

>investigation. If you have any questions, you should call the 1-800

>number listed on the back of your card (1-800-VISA) and ask for

>Security! You will need to refer to this control #".  The caller then

>gives you a 6 digit number. "Do you need me to read it again?"


>Here's the IMPORTANT part on how the scam works.


>The caller then says, "he needs to verify you are in possession of your



>He'll ask you to "turn your card over and look for some numbers. There

>are 7 numbers; the first 4 are your card number, the! next 3 are the

>Security Numbers' that verify you are in possession of the card. These

>are the numbers you use to make Internet purchases to prove you have the



>"Read me the 3 numbers". After you tell the caller the 3 numbers, he'll

>say ,"That is correct. I just needed to verify that the card has not

>been lost or stolen, and that you still have your card. Do you have any

>other questions?"


>After you say No, the caller then Thanks you and states, "Don't hesitate

>to call back if you do", and hangs up.


>You actually say very little, and they never ask for or tell you the

>card number. But after we were called on Wednesday, we called back

>within 20 minutes to ask a question.


>Are we glad we did!


>The REAL VISA Security Department told us it was a scam and in the last

>15 minutes a new purchase of $497.99 was charge on our card. Long story

>made short, we made a real fraud report and closed the VISA card, and

>they are reissuing us a new number.


>What the scammers wants is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the

>card. Don't give it to them. Instead, tell them you'll call VISA or

>Mastercard direct. The real VISA told us that they will never ask for

>anything on the card as they already know the information since they

>issued the card!


>If you give the scammers your 3 Digit PIN Number, you think you're

>Receiving a credit. However, by the time you get your statement, you'll

>see charges for purchases you didn't make, and by then it's almost to

>late and/or harder to actually file a fraud report.


>What makes this more remarkable ! is that on Thursday, I got a call from

>A "Jason Richardson of MasterCard" with a word-for-word repeat of the

>VISA scam. This time I didn't let him finish. I hung up! We filed a

>police report, as instructed by VISA. The police said they are taking

>several of these reports daily!


>They also urged us to tell everybody we know that this scam is



>Consider passing this on.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2004, 08:24:56 am by LENORE » Logged
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2004, 08:33:48 am »

Here is the first part of the time line of Canada:
In Honour of Canada Day July 1st.

10,000 to 15,000 BC - Inhabitants in the Blue Fish Caves in the Yukon.
1001 AD: Lief Ericsson explores the coast of Labrador and Newfoundland. Ericsson also may have explored along the coast of Nova Scotia and New England which he called Vineland.
 1490: English fisherman were probably visiting the Grand Banks to fish and possibly had landed along the shore of Atlantic Canada.
1497: Henry the VII of England sends John Cabot to the new world where he explores the coast of  Cape Breton Island, Newfoundland or Labrador
1498: Cabot makes his second voyage across the Atlantic to the Maritimes but is lost at sea.
1500: Gaspar de Corte-Real sails around Newfoundland
1508: Thomas Aubert visits Newfoundland
1520: Fagundes sails into the Gulf of St. Lawrence area
1534: France dispatches an expedition to Atlantic Canada under the command of Jacques Cartier. He explores the coast of Newfoundland, Labrador and The Gulf of St. Lawrence. He landed in Gaspe on July 14, 1534 and planted the flag of France.
1535: Cartier continues to explore eastern Canada and sails up the St. Lawrence river the Indian villages of Hochelega (present day Montreal) and Stadacona (present day Quebec city
1541: Cartier returns to North America with the Sieur de Roberval to found a settlement. They named it Charlesbourg-Royal and it became the first French settlement in North America.
1577: seeking the legendary North West passage to Asia and the spice/silk trade, the England commissions Martin Frobisher to sail North over the top of America to the pacific. Frobisher would make 3 attempts, all of which ended in failure. The furthest he got was the Hudson Strait
1606: First theatrical production in Canada
1608: Samuel de Champlain sails up the St. Lawrence and lays claim to Quebec for France.
1609: Champlain travels with the Algonquins to Lake Champlain where they attack the Iroquois and the French use firearms against the Iroquois.
1615: William Harvey discovers the principle of the circulation of the blood
1617: Louis Hebert, the first habitant (farmer), arrives in Quebec
1621: William Alexander is awarded Nova Scotia by England
1622: Rubens commissioned to do the Marie de Medici
- In England the first newspaper ‘the Weekly News’ is published
1623: Founding of Avalon, Newfoundland
1625: Jesuits arrive in Quebec to begin missionary work among the Indians
1627: The Company of One Hundred Associates is founded (Apr. 29), by Cardinal Richelieu, to establish a French Empire in North America
- War breaks out between England and France
The U.S. declares war on Britain (June 18), beginning the War of 1812. Americans under General William Hull invade Canada from Detroit (July 11). Canadians are victorious at the Battle of Queenston Heights (Oct. 13). The Red River settlement is begun in Canada's northwest (Aug.-Oct.) on lands granted to Lord Selkirk by the Hudson's Bay Company.
Americans burn York (Apr. 27). The Battles of Stoney Creek (June 5) and Beaver Dam (June 23) are Canadian victories, the latter in part due to Laura Secord's famous 32 km. walk to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon, who had already been warned by Indians. The Battles of Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie (Sept. 10) and Moraviantown (Oct. 5) are both American victories. At the latter, which is also known as the Battle of the Thames, British supporter and Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh is killed. The Battles of Chateauguay (Oct. 25) -- with mostly French-Canadian soldiers -- and Crysler's Farm (Nov. 11) -- with English-Canadian soldiers -- are Canadian both victories over larger American troops.
Opening of Canada's first railway line, from St. Johns, Québec, to La Prairie, Québec
The boundary of the 49th Parallel is extended to the Pacific Ocean. An Act of Amnesty provides for W.L. Mackenzie's return from exile in the U.S.
Bytown is renamed Ottawa.
Queen Victoria designates Ottawa as capital of the Province of Canada
Confederation. Britain's North American colonies are united by means of the BNA Act to become the Dominion of Canada (July 1). Sir John A. Macdonald is Canada's first Prime Minister. Ottawa offically becomes capital of the Dominion.
Thomas D'Arcy McGee, one of the fathers of Confederation and an outspoken enemy of the Fenians, becomes Canada's first assassination victim at the hands of a Fenian (Apr. 7).
Riel is elected to the House of Commons but cannot take the seat (Feb.). Alexander Graham Bell discloses the invention of the telephone to his father at the family home on the outskirts of Brantford, Ontario (July 26). Anabaptists (Russian Mennonites) start to arrive in Manitoba from various Russian colonies
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2004, 04:55:23 am »

 :)JULY 1ST AT 8:04 PM.

HAPPY CANADA DAY:::::::::: Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

eview Agency intends to screen foreign investment in Canada (July 18). TV cameras are allowed in the House of Commons for the first time. Trudeau institutes wage and price controls to fight inflation (Oct. 14).
Québec passes Bill 101, restricting English schooling to children of parents who had been educated in English schools (Aug. 26). Highway signs are changed to the metric system (Sept. 6).
Ken Taylor, Canadian ambassador to Iran, becomes an international celebrity for helping six Americans escape Tehran (Jan. 28). Canada boycotts Moscow's Olympic games due to the invasion of Afghanistan. A Québec referendum rejects sovereignty-association (May 22). "O Canada" is officially adopted as Canada's national anthem (June 27). The Supreme Court recognizes the equal distribution of assets in failed common-law relationships.

Terry Fox dies of cancer in the middle of his cross-Canada Marathon of Hope (June 29). His example eventually raises about 25 million dollars. Québec bans public signs in English (Sept. 23). The federal and provincial governments (except Québec) agree on a method to repatriate Canada's constitution (Nov. 5).
Free Trade goes into effect (Jan 1). Heather Erxleben becomes Canada's first acknowledged female combat soldier. One-dollar bills are replaced by the one-dollar coin, popularly called the "loonie." The government announces cuts in the funding of VIA Rail, to much public outcry (June 5). The first woman to lead a federal political party, Audrey McLaughlin replaces Ed Broadbent as head of the NDP (Dec. 2). Fourteen female engineering students are separated from their male colleagues and murdered by a gunman at the University of Montréal (Dec.  
The unpopular Goods and Services Tax comes into effect (Jan. 1). Canadian forces join the multinational forces in the battle to drive Saddam Hussein's Iraqi troops from Kuwait (Jan. 15). British Columbia premier Bill Van Der Zalm resigns in the midst of a real estate scandal. George Erasmus, leader of the Assembly of First Nations, resigns at the end of his second term (May); he is succeeded by Ovide Mercredi, whose popularity earns him the nickname of "eleventh premier." Yet another committee crosses the country soliciting citizens' opinions on proposed constitutional reforms. David Schindler of the University of Alberta wins the first international Stockholm Water Prize for environmental research. In a Brantford, Ontario courtroom, a Six Nations man is the first to be allowed to make a traditional native oath instead of swearing on the Bible (Nov.). The Tungavik sign an agreement with Ottawa to create a new, quasi-independent Inuit territory in the eastern Arctic.
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2004, 09:21:11 am »

 Smiley: Here are some dates to send someone an ecard /phone call/letter to say I AM THINKING OF YOU:

 Friendship Thoughts
 Send A Smile

 .have A Great Day

. Hi / Hello

. Thinking Of You
Daily Celebrations

July 2004

4 Fourth Of July................Sunday
4 Barbecue Day....................Sunday........................................Food
4 Country Music Day..............Sunday..............................................................Activity+
3 Chocolate Wafer Day......................................................Food  *
3 Eat Beans Day....................................................................Food

5 Workaholics Day
6 Republican Party Day
7 Chocolate Day....................................................................Food *
7 Macaroni Day....................................................................Food
7 Father And Daughter Take
   A Walk Together Day.....................................................................................Activity
7 Tanabata (Japan)
8 Be A Kid Day..................................................................................................... Activity +
8 Ice Cream Sundae Day............................................................Food *
8 Don't Put All Your Eggs In
  One Omelette Day................................................................Food
8 Milk Chocolate With
  Almonds Day........................................................................Food *
9 Rock n' Roll Day.........................................................................................Activity +
9 Sugar Cookie Day............................................................Food *
9 Martyrdom Of The Bab
10 Teddy Bear's Picnic Day............................................................................Activity +
10 Intern Appreciation Day
10 Statehood Day
11 Swimming Pool Day...............Sunday.............................................................Activity
11 Blueberry Muffin Day..............Sunday........................Food *
11 Cheer Up Day................................Sunday.........................................................Activity +
12 Hug Week until the 16th......................................................ACTIVITY ==============
12 Simplicity Day....................................................................................................Activity
12 Barn Day..............................................................................................................Activity +
13 French Fries Day..........................................................Food *
13 Puzzle Day.......................................................................................................Activity +
13 Beans And Franks Day...............................................Food *
14 Bastille Day
14 Pandemonium Day
14 Cow Appreciation Day......................................................................................Activity +
14 Pick Blueberries Day..............................................Food.................................Activity
15 No-Hitter Day
15 Respect Canada Day..........................................................................................Activity +
15 I Love Horses Day...............................................................................................Activity +
16 Talk To A Telemarketer
16 District Of Columbia Day
17 Wrong Way Corrigan Day..............................................................................Activity
17 Shark Awareness Day.......................................................................................Activity
17 Twin-O-Rama
17 Peach Ice Cream Day...................................................Food *
18 Dental Awareness Day..................Sunday
18 Chrysanthemum Day.......................Sunday.......................................................Activity +
18 Wiener Day..........................................Sunday..........Food *
18 Cedarfest (Tennessee)
19 Bloomer Day
20 Fortune Cookie Day...................................................Food *
20 Moon Day..................................................................................................................Activity
20 Lollipop Day................................................................Food *
20 Chess Day...............................................................................................................Activity
21 Monkey Day
22 Spoonerism Day
22 Cleveland Day
23 Ice Cream Cone Day...................................................Food *
23 Vanilla Ice Cream Day...............................................Food *
23 Private Eye Day.......................................................................................................Activity
24 Cousins Day............................................................................................................Activity
24 Public Opinion Day...............................................................................................Activity
24 Watermelon Days .......................................................Food *
25 Parents' Day...........................Sunday...................................................................ACTIVITY +++++++
25 St. James Day.............................Sunday
25 Act Like A Caveman Day.................Sunday............................................................Activity
25 Carousel Day........................................Sunday......................................................ACTIVITY +++
26 Groovy Chicken Day
26 Americans With
    Disabilities Day
26 Aunt And Uncle's Day...........................................................................................Activity
26 Coffee Milkshake Day.............................................Food
26 Ratification Day
    (New York)
27 St. Pantaleone's Day
28 Hamburger Day........................................................Food
28 Cheese Lovers Day..................................................Food
28 Accountant's Day
29 Rain Day.....................................................................................................................Activity
29 Final Frontier Day...................................................................................................Activity



Joe Sperling

« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2004, 05:14:33 am »

Hello Friends,

Burt O'Leary here with some information you can really
use. On another thread there was some talk about
the man possessed with demons. Jesus cast these
out of the man, and they entered a herd of swine which
ran quickly into the sea and were drowned.

Two things happened that day. But rarely is the second thing mentioned, though very important. This man indeed was cured, but the second thing that happened that day was the creation of deviled ham. Yes, friends, most people don't realize that many people that day sat down and had deviled ham sandwiches as they discussed the things which had happened. There was plenty of deviled ham to go around.

                 Deviled Ham Spread    by Burt O'Leary

4 cups of canned deviled ham
2 Tbsp of pickled relish, drained
2 Tbsp of chopped onions
4 Tbsp Sour cream

Mix thouroughly and refrigerate. Serve with crackers.

This recipe and many, many others my friends, can be found in my new book "Recipes from the Good Book", which retails for only $22.95 plus $8.95 for shipping and handling. This is but a pittance friends when you think of the joy you will receive using my recipes. If you like the Deviled ham recipe, you'll love my Angel food cake recipe even more! The Bible is full of recipes my friends, and I've found them and placed them in this blessed book just for you. You will enjoy the book or my name isn't Burt O'Leary!!  Order your copy today.

Burt O'Leary Enterprises
2222 4th street south
Barstow, Ca, 91123

Please send Cashier's check or Money order only. No personal checks.  Thank You.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2004, 06:48:22 am by Joe Sperling » Logged

« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2004, 08:30:10 am »

I can't believe you Burt! Roll Eyes

  You're still trying to push your silly recipe book after the lawsuit regarding "Burt's Barley Cakes!" (Ezekiel 4:12)

  For those interested you can still get Burt's Bible Diet Plan on Ebay!

Just popped in for your protection,

Joe Sperling

« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2004, 08:35:28 pm »

Thank you Tony for your concern. The lawsuit for "Burt's Barley cakes" was dropped after we came up with a recipe called "Ezekiel's Egg salad sandwiches". They are both delicious and wholesome. The recipe can be found on page 49 of my book, right before the recipe for Ezra's Ecclairs. The book retails for just $25.95 plus $9.50 for shipping and handling. It truly is a delightful book and worth every penny. Credit card orders will be accepted(with a small handling fee), although cash or Money order guarantees a much swifter delivery of the book.
Thanks again Tony for your concern, but as I said,  that lawsuit has been dropped, and the other pending ones are sure to be dropped also.  Remember friends, I guarantee you'll love this book or my name isn't Burt O'Leary.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2004, 08:40:52 pm by Joe Sperling » Logged

« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2004, 08:49:02 pm »

Dear brother Burt,

I have a can of Freedom Trail low-carb manna.  Do you have any recipe ideas?  Remember, food selection is limited out in the desert.
al Hartman

« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2004, 09:34:57 pm »

     Just for your general information:  There is a week's supply of fiber for a family of four in the Sunday Food Section of The New York Times.  Digest that, because I guarantee you won't find that little revelation in O'Leary's book, which  probably costs $29.95 plus S&H by now.  You can get a used copy on Ebay for $2 & change, and it won't be very used because nobody likes it well enough to open it more than once.  Burt's book does make a great paperweight to keep your real recipes in place while you cook.

     You may think I'm being unduly harsh toward Burt O'Leary, but he won't tell you about my lawsuit against him (which, incidentally, will not be dropped) because my whole family became violently ill after preparing and consuming his recipe for "Kosher Pork Rinds!"

     Mark my words, the man will fry in his own fat for making money from selling "bible recipes" while claiming exempt status from income taxes under the guise of being a "non-prophet" organization!

angry al Angry

Joe Sperling

« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2004, 12:48:21 am »


That Freedom Trail low-carb manna is good stuff. The problem is, it only has a shelf-life of one day. If you save some for the next day you'll find it has gone bad. I don't have a recipe--just mix some with yogurt and down it fast.

Mr. Hartman,

Your frivolous lawsuit has come to my attention. If your family became ill eating the Kosher pork rinds that is not my fault. You obviously did not follow the recipe instructions. But I'd like to send my lawyer to see you personally regarding the matter. Her name is Beulah Fillmore. She weighs over 400 lbs, has a short temper, and speaks quite loudly.

She recently visited another one of my detractors, who also had a frivolous lawsuit which has since been dropped. I have not heard from him for some time now. But I guess when you are in the hospital with two broken arms it's a little hard to use the telephone or write a letter. I will be sending her over to discuss your little lawsuit very soon.

Best regards, Burt O'Leary
« Last Edit: July 16, 2004, 12:52:54 am by Joe Sperling » Logged
al Hartman

« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2004, 07:59:09 am »


     You are not a nice man, and you are digging your own pit.  Your thinly veiled on-line threat is now a part of my permanent record regarding this case, and is in the hands of my own capable attorney, Susan Wynns.

     You may send your pseudo-sumo-lawyer over here whenever you wish.  I hold seventh degree black belts in aikido, akimbo, akita, tempura, and sashimi, and I am not afraid of what man (or woman) may try do to me.

     Your heavy-handed tactics will destroy you, sir-- what goes around comes around.  Don't be surprised if the teamsters strike and leave you stuck with a warehouse full of your horrid $35 (+ S&H) cookbooks that you are unable to ship.

     I am advised by legal counsel to have no further communication with you prior to appearing in court.  Be advised that any attempt on your part to respond to this notice will be in violation of the restraining order secured today by Susan Wynns and her able paralegal aide Ms. Givings.

al Hartman,
nobody's patsy  Angry

Joe Sperling

« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2004, 08:37:04 pm »

ATTN: Ms. Beulah Fillmore
CC:  Alan Hartman

Ms. Fillmore,

As previously discussed, please proceed to the Ohio address I have given you for Mr. Hartman. Please try
to persuade him of the frivolity of his case. Perhaps when he sees your 400 pound body and hears your voice he'll change his mind. if not, regarding the case, you'll just have to sit on him, I mean, on it, for a while and wait it out. I am wiring you money for the plane fair today. Good luck Beulah and God bless.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2004, 12:59:11 am by Joe Sperling » Logged

« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2004, 09:08:04 pm »

Dear brother Burt,

I have perfected several presentations of the Freedom Trail low-carb manna.  I am sure many creative housepersons would be interested as they entertain family and friends.

I created a Southwest cactus look, a formal dining with friends display, and a special Superbowl Sunday grab-a-snack.

They pretty much all taste the same as we lack any other food ingredience out here.

Would you be interested in including these in future editions of your cookbook?

Joe Sperling

« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2004, 12:54:20 am »


I'd be happy to use your recipes in my next book. If you don't mind, I'd like to send my lawyer, Beulah Fillmore, over to take a look at the recipes, and to go over percentages and royalty rights. I'm sure after speaking with her we can come to an amicable and fair agreement as to what you will receive for using your recipes in my next book.  Just E-mail me your address and perhaps she can stop by after taking care of, I mean, after visiting with Mr. Hartman in Ohio.

sincerely,  Burt
Mark C.

« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2004, 02:02:56 am »

Burt is back!!! Grin

  Allrightie then!

  Burt, you are still living in Barstow?  I remember your book that was so helpful to me that described how to make checking out at the grocery store so much quicker!  Possibly your recipe book can accomplish the same goal by creating a socially unacceptable result? Tongue

  Burt is the go-to-guy when it comes to "info. you can use" and I heartily endorse his helpful books (Burt please send your check to the same address as in the past--thanks).

  I must object to Al using my name without permission in his sentence "Mark my words" and will be suing him for the unauthorized use of my name, and so will Major League Baseball!  

  PS Burt:  I have an excellent recipe for Duck Soup, and though I can't think of a Biblical justification for including it in your recipe book at present, I will be meeting with GG soon to discover new insights (as in mans creation on the 7th day) so that it can be included.

              Keep up the good work and God bless Barstow!

                                                        Mark C.
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